Saturday, February 5, 2022

The Problem with Complexity

The gloves are coming off, and the beast is revealing itself for what it is. People are choosing sides in what is now a battle for freedom. What's also on display is the manner in which the tyrants intend to win this battle. Very little is being televised. There's no dialog with the protesters, and their access to money is being denied. GoFundMe blocked the protesters' money, and all it took was a few keystrokes on a computer to do so.

This illustrates the dangers inherent in modern financing. It's much too reliant on computers. Access to money is dependent on the good will of the network operators and the ones in charge of the access nodes. There's a separation between the consumer and their means of transaction. Everyone is dependent on the blessing of their masters.

It remains to be seen if the protesters have made themselves dependent on the benevolence of the GoFundMe team. If they did, they will soon have to give up and head back home. However, if they didn't, they'll be around for longer. Time will tell what the case may be. The only thing clear at this point is where the GoFundMe team have positioned themselves in this battle.

The dystopian future planned for us is an extreme version of what just happened with the GoFundMe project. All money and all transactions are to be controlled centrally so that anyone that steps out of line can be cut off from life's necessities. However, this will only be possible if they manage to control the physical world of money, and that will turn out to be impossible.

The problem with the physical world, as seen from the point of view of the tyrants, is that there's no ledger. Physical money can be transacted without anyone registering anything. It can also be hidden without registry. It can move freely around in the economy, appearing and disappearing without anyone besides the people involved knowing about it.

The elite's plan is to solve this problem by introducing electronic money. Every account and every transaction is to be registered and tied up to social credit schemes. Physical money will in this way be replaced with a surveillance system. However, God has provided us with the physical world where anything can be used as money. We don't need an elite in order to have money. The elite can be removed, and money will still exist. Gold and silver coins are ideal for this purpose. But anything durable, dividable and coveted will do.

With the elite now all in on the side of tyranny, and their plan on full display, we know that the push towards total control is well on its way. Anyone caught unprepared will find it hard to do or say anything that might displease the tyrants. They will have to submit to whatever medical procedure and whatever product selection that the elite deems necessary. If we protest, they will be shut us down. However, those with direct access to products and services, and with physical money to pay for these, will be able to find a place in the parallel economy that's sure to emerge as a counterweight to dystopia.

I happen to live in a place with plenty of small and medium sized businesses trading in anything from groceries to shoes and furniture. I also have physical money of the kind that the state cannot confiscate or render worthless, so I'm well positioned for what's to come, and I suggest others do the same. Everyone should make a plan for themselves, and my book on the subject, written five years ago, may be a source of inspiration in this respect.

Local community
Local community

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