Sunday, October 4, 2020


Resurrection is the archetypical story of rebirth, a central element in any religion. No religion is complete without it because it is central to our own existence. Everything dies, transforms and comes back in some new form. We have the seasons. We have our own lives, where we go from dust to dust, implicitly keeping the hope of rebirth alive. We also have the torments of depression and other mental illnesses, which can lead to a very real sense of rebirth when overcome.

Christianity has this concept as its central element in the story of Jesus. It's a finely crafted story of deceit, suffering, death and rebirth. No wonder then that it is a story that many emulate for personal gains. It was no coincidence that Boris Johnson caught the flu virus during Easter this year, that he went into intensive care, and that he was released from hospital on Easter Sunday.

Inspired by Johnson's miraculous resurrection, I could not help producing a short story with a similar happy ending:

Waiting for Boris the worm
Waiting for Boris the worm

The arrival of Boris the worm
The arrival of Boris the worm

Boris going into the composter
Boris going into the composter

Miraculous transformation of Boris
Miraculous transformation of Boris

While hardly comparable in significance to the original story, the above sequence captures the essence of the story. There is longing, hope, and finally a release of tension that makes the reader happy and optimistic about their own future. It's one of the oldest stories in the world, and it never fails to delight.

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