There is no lack of evidence for plasma currents in
space, and these currents come in all sizes.
There are the truly huge ones, stringing galaxies
together like pearls on a string. Then there are the big ones that do
the same for stars. Then there are the relatively small ones
connecting planets to their central star. These are responsible for
the auroras that we see in the atmosphere of planets.
The overall impression is that of a neural network
with stars and galaxies forming the nodes and the plasma currents
forming the synapses.
In all of this, there are the occasional bright
flashes. These are the so called supernovas.
Standard cosmology attribute these flashes to the
death of stars. However, Donald Scott suggests otherwise. He sees
them as the births of stars and planets.
As we have already discussed regarding Jupiter and
Venus, large planets with thick mineral rich atmospheres can give
birth to smaller objects by ejecting a highly charged body the size
of a planet or moon.
Stars can do this too. But when they do, the size of
the object ejected is that much larger. Large stars can sweat off
objects the size of gas giants or small stars.
This explains why binary star systems are relatively
common, and why gas giants can be found very close to stars.
All of this is accompanied by bright flashes.
However, only the brightest of them are categorised as a
supernova, and to explain the most energetic flashes, something
much bigger must be going on.
The biggest supernovas are most likely due to short
circuiting of large plasma currents. The technical term for such a
short circuit is a z-pinch, and it has the effect of pulling matter
A z-pinch can easily be produced in an electrical
Pinched aluminium can, produced from a
pulsed magnetic field
By Bert Hickman, CC BY-SA
As can be seen in the above picture, a z-pinch can
crush an aluminium can. If the can had been made of something more fluid, it
would have been crushed completely.
Keeping in mind that electricity scales very well
from the very small to the positively enormous, we can now imagine a
dusty, mineral rich plasma current with a diameter many times that of
a solar system.
Such a current would be like an enormous cylinder
with several layers of positively and negatively charged tubes nested
inside each other.
In balance with itself, the current will be cold and
invisible, only detectable by the fact that there is a star at each
end of it.
However, should such a current short circuit, there
would be an enormous flash, followed by a lingering glow.
The glow will be visible as
an hourglass shape similar to the crushed aluminium can depicted
The Hourglass Nebula (MyCn18), a
supernova remnant
By NASA, R. Sahai, J. Trauger (JPL), and
The WFPC2 Science Team -, Public Domain,
The pinch takes only a few hours to form. At its
centre is a brand new star, quite possibly surrounded by planets with