Thursday, August 3, 2017

The Case Against Standard Cosmology

The Electric Universe is mostly about presenting an alternative to the standard model of cosmology. Most people who sympathize with the Electric Universe perspective do so because they find it makes more sense than the standard model.

However, every now and again someone takes a direct stab at the standard model, and Dr. Robitaille, host of Sky Scholar on YouTube, is the latest to do this. His area of expertise is thermodynamics.

Thermodynamics is one of the better understood areas of physics. It has to do with gases and how they behave under pressure and heat. Everyday practical applications of thermodynamics range from the combustion engine to the kitchen refrigerator. This is basic stuff, well understood, and proven to be true. Yet, the standard model of cosmology violates the principles of thermodynamics in every conceivable way, and by pointing this out Dr. Robitaille builds a powerful case against modern day cosmology.

For those who like to see things reasoned out with formulas and fundamental physical principles, Dr. Robitaille's explanation for why gas stars cannot be formed by gravity is eye opening. He basically obliterates the standard model of star formation. In another lecture, he takes on the mysticism of black holes, dark matter and dark energy, all completely unscientific nonsense that violates basic laws of nature.

Hourglass nebula

By NASA, R. Sahai, J. Trauger (JPL), and The WFPC2 Science Team -, Public Domain, Link

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