Monday, February 10, 2025

Controlled Opposition Confirmed

The USAID scandal that is currently unfolding has revealed that the controlled opposition that I first wrote about back in 2019 is a real thing, and it's worse than I thought possible. News media all over the world has been centrally coordinated and controlled through a network of NGOs, all funded by USAID and other government charities.

This explains why news stories across the globe have had an eerie tendency to look identical. It explains the "spontaneous" appearance of climate activists, color revolutions, and scary virus stories. Everything has been fake, and it has all been funded by tax money.

The government, always eager to expand its own power, has constructed an elaborate PR system that feeds us stories about "popular demand" for things they want to do to us. Lockdowns were introduced through this kind of popular demand, as was mask mandates and the the rapid development of novel mRNA vaccines.

Everything climate related has also been manufactured. The science is fake, the remedies are fake, and the popular demand for it has been constructed through propaganda. The same goes for all the wars we've been funding.

All of this had nothing to do with, truth, reality, freedom or peace. The sole purpose of it has been to make a small group of people, well connected to the government, immensely rich at the expense of everybody else. That's why everything manufactured to remedy all these manufactured wars and emergencies has been such expensive crap.

It explains why Greta Thunberg got as much press coverage as she did, while others who tried the same got no attention at all. Greta's parents were insiders in the propaganda machine. Others, less well connected, were simply gullible copy cats. They were true believers in the propaganda, and their reward for believing in it was misery and disrespect.

We have lived inside a manufactured reality, similar to the one depicted in the Truman Show. Everything is fake.

But now that the lid has been blown open on this can of worms, reality is once again visible through  the mist of propaganda, and it will be difficult, if not impossible, to put the lid back on.

This in turn explains why gold is going up these days. With reality now creeping in, anything artificial is likely to crumble, and the only safe havens are real things, preferably real things that we can hold in our hands.

Controlled opposition
Controlled opposition

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Lessons from El Salvador and Argentina

South America has for as long as I can remember been associated with violence. It's a cultural thing, I was told. But this "truth" has recently been challenged. El Salvador, which used to be one of the most dangerous places on the planet has suddenly become perfectly safe. All it took was for its president to enact strict laws related to violent crime.

Another "truth" that has been shattered lately is the hopelessly corrupt nature of South American politics. This too has been attributed to culture. But Argentina has eliminated a lot of corruption in a matter of months simply by ridding itself of bureaucracy. What used to be a South American basket case has become an example to follow.

What's most remarkable about this is the speed with which the changes happened. Problems that had existed for decades were resolved in a matter of months. Clearly, this had nothing to do with culture. All that was required was the will to do things differently.

This is especially interesting in light of the slow decay of the West which has been touted as an inevitable consequence of post-colonialism. Parts of Paris, Stockholm, London and many other cities across Europe have decayed into no-go zones reminiscent of third world countries, and we've been told that there's nothing we can do to stop this. However, El Salvador and Argentina prove that this is a lie. Europe can be cleaned up in a matter of months if only the right people are put in charge.

What we've seen over the decades in Europe, and the US, is a slow erosion of liberties and confidence. Decay has been accepted as inevitable, and our just reward for misdeeds dating back to colonial times. But this process has continued to a point where its reversal will be swift if it's given a chance.

If a radical change is allowed to happen, people will be absolutely delighted by the contrast, and those in charge of the old policies that brought so many to their knees will be permanently ousted as a consequence. No-one will want to go back to how things were before the "revolution".

The decay of the West has happened so slowly that people have lost sight of how good things could be if it wasn't for the meddling of mischievous and corrupt politicians and bureaucrats. But a reversal will clear this up in no time. People will see how good liberty and safety from violent criminals is, and they will want more of it.

As I have stated several times before, 2022 was the year that the trend turned, and we're now starting to see the political consequences of this. Radical changes are ahead of us, and most of it will be of a kind that we'll all be happy to see.

Execution robespierre, saint just....jpg
Execution of Robespierre

By Unknown author - This image comes from Gallica Digital Library and is available under the digital ID btv1b6950750j, Public Domain, Link

US Aid, Fauci's Pardon and the War in Ukraine

US Aid has been shut down and moved in under the State Department. Apparently, it was a den of corruption and shady activities. Rumors have it that it funded bio-labs both in Wuhan, China at large and Ukraine.

The funding in Ukraine dates back to 2014, when there was a regime change in that country, in favor of the US.

Biden's pardon of Fauci is coincidentally dated back to 2014, for crimes that he may have committed all the way back then.

The labs in Ukraine, which are rumored to have performed experiments on Russians living in Ukraine, were one of the things mentioned by Putin in order to defend his order to invade.

Fauci's is also mentioned by Putin when talking about a possible peace deal to end the war. Putin wants Fauci delivered to Russia for questioning.

All of this adds up to a possible future scenario as follows:

Investigators in the US find proof of criminal activity in Ukraine, funded by US Aid, and supported by Fauci. Putin is proven right in his assertions.

The US administration accepts a peace deal with Putin where Fauci is extradited to Russia.

Ukraine is carved up by its neighbors, with little to nothing remaining of Ukraine itself.

Fauci becomes the fall guy for the vaccine disaster, lock downs and economic woes of the west. Fauci ends up spending the rest of his life in a Russian prison.

Trump washes his hands of the whole sordid affair, saying he was deceived by Fauci, and that Fauci's arrest and imprisonment marks the end of an era of horrors.

Vladimir Putin (2018-03-01) 03 (cropped).jpg
Vladimir Putin

By, CC BY 4.0, Link

Monday, February 3, 2025


Pharmakeia, also known as sorcery or witchcraft is a practice that aims to deceive and control others by the use of medicine and hypnosis.

The Bible warns about this practice. We should neither practice it ourselves nor let ourselves be fooled by it. However, recent history has shown us that almost everyone fell for the spell cast by the elite, and they nearly managed to enslaving us.

Even the most skeptical is in some way affected by pharmakeia, because we all hold various believes that are poorly founded in reality, but heavily pushed by the school system, the media and the elite. However, many are waking up from their hypnosis. We're seeing a return to nature, aka God's creation.

A distinguishing property of pharmakeia is that it seeks to emulate or replicate nature. Instead of real money, i.e. gold, we use fiat, a type of money substitute that robs us in our sleep through inflation. Instead of healthy food, we eat synthetic alternatives, often augmented with artificial supplements, and medicines.

Natural foods like butter are replaced with artificial alternatives like margarine.

We're told that vaccines have made us all healthier, but child mortality is higher among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. In the US, Amish children are the healthiest. They take no vaccine at all.

When things go amiss, and we fall ill, we beg for more medicines. But they too make us ill.

Similarly, people buy Bitcoin in order to avoid the fiat trap, not realizing that Bitcoin too is a form of pharmakeia. It's an electronic token that has been ascribed a price. Monetary value has been assigned to something that has no physical representation.

Then there's AI where dead things are given a spirit of sorts. Unlike a calculator, which is merely a calculating tool, or a car which gets us places, we're now to believe that an AI vehicle, commonly referred to as a robot, is something with a soul.

None of this will last. Nature will reject it all. While we may have safe, self driving cars in the future, we will never prosper under pharmakeia. An AI girlfriend is not a girlfriend, a vaccine is not an improvement on our immune system, Bitcoin is no alternative to gold, and margarine is no alternative to butter.

Stay real!

Every other path leads to ruin.

Mask of the beast
Mask of the beast

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Rolling Back the Progressive Era

I predicted some three years ago that the new era that started in 2022 will be marked by a rollback of progressive institutions. Specifically, I said that WHO will be rolled back and removed early on in this process.

As it happens, WHO has lost its funding from the US, and RFK jr., who is very skeptical to all synthetic medicines, is being included in Trump's administration.

My prediction now is that vaccines will become a thing of the past within the end of this decade. No-one will vaccinate anybody. The vaccines will go the way of leaches and blood letting, which were considered settled science back in the 18th century.

Albert Bourla.jpg
Albert Bourla

By World Economic Forum -, CC BY 3.0, Link

Sunday, January 5, 2025

No Need for Rebalancing

Eight years have passed since I sold my house in Asker, and two years have passed since I last made an assessment related to our financial progress since then. This is in tune with my philosophy of long-term investments, as outlined in my book, which holds that the key to success is to invest in mega-cycles that run for years or decades, and to ride them with little to no change in position. True to this philosophy, our investments haven't been rebalanced. They have been kept in gold, real-estate and cash.

There has been little action in the Dow/Gold ratio over these years, which means that our gold position has been equivalent to being invested in the Dow:

  • Jan 2017 = 16.4
  • Jan 2019 = 18.2
  • Jan 2021 = 16.2
  • Jan 2023 = 18.8
  • Jan 2025 = 16.3
The Dow has underperformed gold over the last two years, but only marginally. The Dow remains below 20 ounces, which has served as critical resistance for eight years running.

However, the PSI20/Gold ratio has dropped from 107 to 79 over the past two years, and is now down a stunning 94% from its peak in year 2000.

PSI gold ratio

The price of our apartment in Porto has had the best run. It's up by 140% in nominal terms since 2017. Gold is up 100% by comparison. Our cash position has seen some fluctuations due to short term expenses and windfalls, but remains a fairly minor part of our assets.

My prediction from two years ago have been proven correct, with gold outperforming real-estate in Porto, and gold also outperforming stocks.

As a result, our allocations have made the following relative moves over time:

  • Jan 2017: 10 part real-estate, 20 part gold, 5 part cash - for a total of 35
  • Jan 2019: 15 part real-estate, 20 part gold, 5 part cash - for a total of 40
  • Jan 2021: 20 part real-estate, 30 part gold, 3 part cash - for a total of 53
  • Jan 2023: 24 part real-estate, 33 part gold, 3 part cash - for a total of 60
  • Jan 2025: 24 part real-estate, 40 part gold, 6 part cash - for a total of 70

This is a 100% increase in nominal terms over a eight year period, which is more than the inflation during those years. This trend has continued over the past two years with a 17% increase, which is slightly above inflation.

Looking forward two years, I expect price inflation to move gold and real-estate up against cash, with gold outperforming real-estate. Stocks may continue up in nominal terms but will lag gold. The Dow/Gold ratio is more likely to go down to 10 than up from present levels. The PSI20/Gold ratio will remain flat or go lower in tandem with the Dow.

In short, there's no need for any rebalancing at this point, even if the PSI20 is starting to look attractive.

1914 Sydney Half Sovereign - St. George.jpg
British gold sovereign

By Benedetto Pistrucci - Own work, Public Domain, Link