Tuesday, February 4, 2025

US Aid, Fauci's Pardon and the War in Ukraine

US Aid has been shut down and moved in under the State Department. Apparently, it was a den of corruption and shady activities. Rumors have it that it funded bio-labs both in Wuhan, China at large and Ukraine.

The funding in Ukraine dates back to 2014, when there was a regime change in that country, in favor of the US.

Biden's pardon of Fauci is coincidentally dated back to 2014, for crimes that he may have committed all the way back then.

The labs in Ukraine, which are rumored to have performed experiments on Russians living in Ukraine, were one of the things mentioned by Putin in order to defend his order to invade.

Fauci's is also mentioned by Putin when talking about a possible peace deal to end the war. Putin wants Fauci delivered to Russia for questioning.

All of this adds up to a possible future scenario as follows:

Investigators in the US find proof of criminal activity in Ukraine, funded by US Aid, and supported by Fauci. Putin is proven right in his assertions.

The US administration accepts a peace deal with Putin where Fauci is extradited to Russia.

Ukraine is carved up by its neighbors, with little to nothing remaining of Ukraine itself.

Fauci becomes the fall guy for the vaccine disaster, lock downs and economic woes of the west. Fauci ends up spending the rest of his life in a Russian prison.

Trump washes his hands of the whole sordid affair, saying he was deceived by Fauci, and that Fauci's arrest and imprisonment marks the end of an era of horrors.

Vladimir Putin (2018-03-01) 03 (cropped).jpg
Vladimir Putin

By Kremlin.ru, CC BY 4.0, Link

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