Friday, September 29, 2017

Putting the Physical back into Physics

We live in a physical universe. For things to happen, things have to bump into each other, and things must physically combine in order to create structures.

This is the premise of my two short books. They are based on the idea that everything can be explained in terms of three subatomic units of matter and their interactions with each other.

In my first book, I lay out the basic physics. I describe the structures that are produced, and how forces appear through particle interaction. A whole range of physical phenomena are explained in terms of particles. These include Coulomb's law, Ampere's right hand grip rule, radio transmission, gravity, optics, magnetism, and the imbalance in size between electrons and protons.

In my second book, I go on to explain how distance and time can be explained in terms of particles and their relation to each other. Since we live in a real physical world, nothing can exist without real physical things. This is the key to understand our experience of time and distance. Everything we experience or measure is in relation to other things and their speeds. It can be no other way.

These books have since been revised and combined into two easy to read books available for free on the web.

I do not claim to have the full story on how everything works. But the list of things that can be explained in terms of particles is long. It appears that we do indeed live in a physical world where everything that we experience is due to particles interacting with other particles.

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