If everybody did what I've done, society as we know it would come to an end. However, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Besides, it's not like everybody will suddenly flip from doing things one way to doing things my way. Nobody's planning a revolution, and nobody's going to do things exactly as I've done. The whole point of anarchy is to allow everybody to do as they please within their realms. It's not a movement. It's an awakening.
The transition from nation state to anarchy will be gradual, and society will adapt to the changes as they happen. The process may in retrospect look sudden, but it will take decades to unfold. At no point will a large part of the population find itself rudderless in this process. Whatever chaos there might be will be the making of nation states, not individual anarchists like me.
This becomes clear from considering what I've actually done and what would happen if others followed suit. Step one in my awakening was a recognition that no-one but God (aka nature) stands above me. Governments represent no-one but themselves. I woke up to this insight partly due to the fact that I'm a peripheral member of the big club mentioned by George Carlin in this sketch. My family controls a portion of the state apparatus. This arrangement benefits me, but is no less distasteful for that reason.
Step two was a realization that very few care about my insight. When I mention the unfairness of the system, most people nevertheless defended it. They defend taxation as a necessity, and they see rules and regulations as something benefitting themselves. But the fact of the matter is that it's all for the benefit of the big club. My fixed income is secure because of taxes levied on others. Rules and regulations defend my family's business. However, people are blind to this, even when confronted with this by a member of the club.
Step three was to act rationally on my insight. If I'm a peripheral member of the club, why not take full advantage of it? I cut down on my exposures to the parasitic part of the system, and I firmed up my exposure to the parallel system that exists naturally in society. The balance was thus tilted more in my favor. For every step, I became more autonomous, until I reached my current position where my immediate family is in a position of strength relative to how things would otherwise have been.
As things stand, I'm benefitting from the current system to a larger extent than I'm suffering under it, and I recommend this kind of positioning for everybody. I have an anarchist friend who lives off of a state pension, and I applaud him for this. He has personally achieved what my family achieved for me. I see little difference in his maneuvering and that of my family.
As a minimum, everyone should do their best to remove themselves from the parasitic side of the state. If the state hands out money in our direction, we take it. However, we mustn't make ourselves dependent on state handouts, because the system is unsustainable. It will eventually fail and drag everyone dependent on it down with it.
The rational thing to do is to take maximum advantage of whatever schemes are directed our way while simultaneously extracting ourselves from the parasitic part of the system.
This is so obvious that most people do this without thinking, and the only difference between them and me lies in my awareness of the inherent unfairness of it. As far as practical everyday life is concerned, everyone is an anarchist. Anarchy is the natural state of things, and as such, we have nothing to fear, because nature is arranged in such a way that we all benefit from it in it's natural state.
Anarchists act according to their own rules, laid out by each individual's conscience. A common denominator is the golden rule, which just about everybody abides by without thinking. Crooks and psychopaths are rare, and easily neutralized by the application of natural law, derived from the golden rule.
No ruling class is necessary for the orderly function of society. I behave no differently than other people. I'm as polite and helpful as anybody. There's nothing inherently dangerous about my position, and the same goes for anybody else who makes similar arrangements for themselves.
It's an error to assume that people will go mad in a world without rulers, and that we have to give up our liberties in order to prevent this from happening. Truth is that nothing bad happens if we each in our own way extract ourselves from the system. My actions have had no measurable impact on anyone but myself and my family. We have benefited at no cost to society, and the same will be true for anyone else doing the same.
The only long term effect of intelligent positioning is that the system will crumble under its own weight. However, intelligent positioning is exactly what needs to be done in order to make the transition into anarchy a smooth and painless affair.
It will be the job of those outside the system to arrange things differently for the future. It starts with ourselves and our families. The household can then be extended in order to take care of those for whom the system fails.
The collapse of social security will release a flood of labor that can be employed in various ways by us on the outside. The collapse of law will open for private arbitration under the golden rule. The collapse of social order will open for private security. The collapse of infrastructure opens for locally administered alternatives.
Every conceivable service can be arranged for within the natural framework of anarchy under the golden rule, aka the 5th Empire or God's Kingdom on Earth. Hence, a complete collapse of the current system will merely open for this possibility. If everybody did as I've done, we'd merely move this process along on its natural path. Nothing bad will happen. On the contrary, everyone who does this will benefit, and society at large will benefit too, because it is the outsiders that will inherit the Earth. We're the ones that will arrange things according to nature's own rules, and make sure that everyone is provided for.
Seen in this light, becoming a sovereign individual is not only a smart thing to do, it's a moral imperative required for the smooth transition from tyranny to liberty.
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Liberty |
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