My guess is that we're about to enter the final year of a three year psyop. Things are going to get weird and polarized, and evidence to this effect is everywhere. Not only have Italy and Austria banned the unvaccinated from work, and lock them down in their houses, Latvia has effectively introduced a one party rule where only the vaccinated are allowed to make laws, and a third shot will be required in England for anyone wanting to enjoy a sliver of the liberty they once took for granted.
Politicians in Norway and Denmark are itching to reinstate lockdown measures, mask mandates and social distancing rules. The same is happening in Portugal.
Meanwhile, it's becoming increasingly evident that the vaccine is counterproductive. Emergency rooms are swamped with vaccinated people suffering from ailments that have nothing to do with the virus. Death rates are up. Just about everybody knows more people ill from the vaccine than from the virus. Many won't admit this, but it's nevertheless true.
The aim is to demoralize and confuse the population to the point of collapse. A collective nervous breakdown will render the population incapable of coherent resistance, and a totalitarian one world order can thus be installed. However, the plan is doomed to failure. It's hubris, and the outcome will be very different from what the planners have in mind.
Pushed into a corner, people either conform or leave. Those who conform do so reluctantly while those who leave do so resolutely. This leads to a polarization between regions with a strong willed culture and those with a submissive culture.
History teaches us that strong willed cultures end up the victorious. Case in point being two Muslim expansions into Europe that both failed. The Arabs were defeated in Iberia and the Turks were later defeated in Austria. Europe continued to thrive while both the Arabs and the Turks went into moral and economic decline. The religious fervor of the Muslims burned itself out. Submissiveness and lack of liberty rendered the population lackluster and demotivated to the point of cultural regression.
Something similar can be expected to befall the totalitarians. They may have a great number of minions ready to rush into battle. But they have no moral spine. They will fail in the face of resolute opposition. Once the tide changes, they will scurry away. Their lack of conviction and moral standing will work against them until they become as lackluster as the Arabs and Turks became after their failures to take Europe.
The two Muslim expansions caused a great deal of upheaval. Those seeking liberty fled the territories that the Muslims entered. Intellectuals, artisans, as well as devote Christians and Jews entered Europe in search of safe havens. They brought with them capital and knowledge, and a will to resist the Muslim expansion. The best of the best joined the armies defending Europe. The more the Muslims pushed, the stronger became their opposition.
Seen in this light, it's interesting to note the latest influx of Jews into Porto. Having overheard their conversations as they walk home from the local synagogue, it's clear that most of them are from France, a country currently in the grip of mass immigration from Muslim countries, and hell-bent on the implementation of strict vaccine rules.
There's also a curious absence of Muslim immigrants in Porto. I haven't seen any in a long while, and the ones I've seen have invariably left within a few months. I don't think anyone's pushing the Muslims out of Porto. It's not like they're discriminated against. However, they are not getting any special favors from the Portuguese state, and they cannot play the race card because a typical Muslim looks exactly like a typical Portuguese.
The bands of young French Jews that appear every Saturday are visible evidence of a polarization that's happening throughout Europe. Those looking for government handouts and protection at the expense of liberty are heading to places like Paris and London. Those looking for liberty are heading to places like Porto.
Further proof of this is that the Jews don't wear masks where wearing them is optional. They understand that masks are symbols of submission, which is precisely what they're hoping to avoid in Porto.
The influx of foreigners isn't limited to Jews. All sort of liberty seeking people are coming. But the Jews are easy to spot due to their kippahs. Other foreigners are not so easy to spot. They are easily confused with tourists. However, any architect in Porto can tell us that foreign demand for property and refurbishment is up.
It remains to be seen what politicians will come up with through the winter, but I'm optimistic as far as Portugal goes. Not only is Portugal receiving a lot of people that are willing to resist the totalitarian agenda, Portugal has a culture that resists totalitarian measures through subversion.
Politicians may decide on something draconian, but the enforcement of such measures will be lackluster. Portugal is not like Germany, France or Austria. Laws aren't followed slavishly, and politicians in this country run a real risk of being ignored if they overstep the ancient and unspoken boundary of their powers. If they push people too far, they will be ignored by everybody but the most submissive.
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Jews wearing their Kippah |
By David Berkowitz from New York, NY, USA - Berkowitz_250, CC BY 2.0, Link
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