Biden is pushing for more mandates and more restrictions on the unvaccinated. This is to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated. Seeing himself as the protector of the vaccinated, he's waging war on the unvaccinated. With more than half the US population vaccinated, he sees this as both politically and morally justified. However, he's confusing compliance with conviction. There's not nearly as much support for his push towards 100% compliance as he imagines.
Biden's push requires conviction, and there's little of it. The only ones convinced of the necessity to vaccinate everyone in order to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated are the most fearful section of the population. These are the people who've taken their two shots, with the intention to take every booster shot required to eradicate the flu. The ones who stopped at one shot is not part of this group, nor are the ones who hate the idea of never ending booster shots.
Biden's base is not the 70% that he imagines. It's more like 20% or less. However, we can expect compliance to remain high, even with very little conviction in the populace. The reason for this is a lack of sovereignty. People are dependent on wages and state handouts. Without them, they face financial ruin. They must therefore comply with whatever is demanded of them.
The current situation is highlighting a problem that has grown large in the shadow of convenience. People have loaded up on debt, and they have spent their savings on frivolities. It's been a fun ride. But it has rendered them exposed to the arbitrary edicts of their employers and other benefactors.
Many employers are in turn dependent on subsidies and state contracts. They too lack sovereignty. If the state tells them to implement one of their edicts, they have to comply or risk going bankrupt. A large portion of the population is in this way dependent on the state, and they will comply with any arbitrary mandate merely to stay alive.
At the root of this, we find the money spigot that is the Federal Reserve. They print money out of thin air for no other purpose than to feed it to the government. The lack of sovereignty at every level of society is linked to this mechanism, and we can therefore expect the push for tyranny to continue as long as this mechanism is intact.
Even large states within the union are dependent on the Fed's money. Without it, they will have to raise taxes or cut state government spending. Any talk of secession at the state level is therefore likely to be little more than hot air. However, personal secession is still an option, and there are enough sovereign individuals in the West to make an impact. A recent example of this is a New York hospital that now has to stop delivering babies due to a shortage of nurses.
The shortage of nurses happened as a direct consequence of Biden's push. Interestingly, thirty nurses resigned immediately while thirty nurses caved and signed up for the shots. This division is due to more than mere conviction. The ones that resigned were sovereigns. The ones that decided to go with Biden's mandate were fully, or in part, pushed by the fact that they would suffer too greatly if left to find other work.
Whatever extra compliance Biden eventually manages to coerce out of people will come with no further conviction. Biden's base doesn't improve through this kind of action. Quite the opposite is happening. People are appalled by what's happening, and many are shocked to discover that they are slaves to their wages and handouts. People are waking up to the reality of debt and lack of savings, and they are not pleased.
The problem with slaves is that they are wholly unreliable. They cannot be relied on by their oppressors. History is full of examples where slaves have turned on their masters. If Biden thinks himself safe due to 70% compliance, he may one day find himself rudely awakened by reality.
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Nicolae Ceaușescu |
By not credited - Fototeca online a comunismului românesc, Photo no. #E594,, Attribution, Link
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