Monday, December 2, 2019

Free falling objects

A free falling object does not pick up any energy despite accelerating at a constant rate. This is different to objects accelerating due to constant pressure or tension, because such objects do pick up energy as they accelerate.

Acceleration due to tension adds energy

There is in other words something fundamentally different between acceleration due to pressure or tension and free fall acceleration. This may at first seem strange. However, it is easy to explain in light of our theory.

Let us first consider a steel ball at rest on a floor of wet sand. To suspend it from a steel beam directly above this floor, we push the ball up. This process involves pressure and therefore some distortion to the ball. Energy is transferred from us to the ball.

Then we attach the ball by wire to the steel beam, and we get a situation as follows, again grossly exaggerated for the purpose of illustration:

Suspended steel ball before and after the wire is cut

There is tension in the ball, there is tension in the wire, and there is tension in the aether between the ball and the floor. However, there is no acceleration. No energy is being transferred. Things are merely distorted.

The energy we added to the ball as we lifted it up is illustrated as a dark grey area. This energy equals the potential difference between the situation on the floor and the situation when the ball hangs above the floor. In the real world, of course, there's no segregation between this potential energy and the rest of the ball. Energy does not come in different flavours. All energy is size. When we talk about the difference between potential and kinetic energy it is purely for calculation purposes. What we can calculate in this case is the exact amount of energy that can and will be transferred to the wet sand once we cut the wire.

When the wire is cut, all tensions disappear. There is no longer any tension in the wire, ball or aether. The ball accelerates towards the floor, not because of any pull or push, but because the aether is able to exit freely from the field between the floor and ball.

Keeping in mind that the aether and space are two words for the same thing, we can say that the ball accelerates toward the floor due to a rapid rearrangement of space. The ball is not in any way distorted in this process. Sine distortion is a requirement for energy transfers, we have a situation in which no energy can be passed onto or off of the ball.

Energy in the ball remains constant until it hits the floor. The entirety of the energy we pushed into the ball in order to attach it to the steel beam is then released as a displacement of the wet sand.

It should be noted that this very same logic applies to all field forces, be it electrical, gravitational or magnetic. In cases where acceleration happens without distortion of the object under acceleration, no energy is added or removed. There is no transfer of energy, only a rearrangement of space.

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