Monday, March 5, 2018

Gravity as a Function of Total Charge

The total charge of an atom is not the same as its net charge. That's self evident from the fact that an atom is made up of a nucleus with a positive charge and a cloud of negatively charged electrons surrounding the nucleus.

Under normal conditions, atoms have a net charge of zero. However their total charge is something else, entirely. The total charge is the sum of all positive and negative subatomic particles that make up the electrons and the nucleus. Using the simple atom model used in my book on the subject, we have neutral Hydrogen atoms made up of a total of 2180 charged quanta each. These quanta are divided as follows:
  • A nucleus consisting of 1 proton = 1089 positive quanta + 1088 negative quanta
  • An electron cloud consisting of 1 electron = 1 positive quantum + 2 negative quanta
The net charge of a neutral Hydrogen atom is therefore 1090 - 1090 = 0, while its total charge is 1090 + 1090 = 2180.

The way gravity works in this theory is that the electric force, which is communicated by neutrinos, is a tiny bit less repelling between electrons than between protons.

Coulomb's Law

From this we get that electrons attract protons with a force that is identical to the repelling force between two protons, but a tiny bit stronger than the repelling force between electrons.

The result for two bodies of regular matter is then the following:
  • Protons in body 1 attract electrons in body 2 with a force X
  • Protons in body 2 attract electrons in body 1 with a force X
  • Protons in body 1 repel protons in body 2 with a force X
  • Electrons in body 1 repel electrons in body 2 with a force X-n where n is a tiny fraction of X
The net result of the above 4 combination is a force of -n. This is the tiny attracting force that we know as gravity.

This tiny force is directly related to the total number of charged quanta. Since these charged quanta have inertia when they make up electrons and protons, the force of gravity is directly related to inertial mass. However, it is not the mass of a body that possesses the property known as gravity. Gravity is a function of total charge.

Total charge can be altered by changing the number of charged quanta in the nucleus or electron cloud surrounding the nucleus.

The process of mass condensation, suggested by Halton Arp in his hypothesis of Intrinsic Redshift, would be an example of a mechanism for adding to the total charge of the nucleus.

Charging regular capacitors would be an example of adding charge to electron clouds.

This means that an expanding planet that is at the same time subject to mass condensation, would see its gravity increase through both mass condensation and increase in capacitance. This would solve the mystery as to how gravity has increased over time, despite a lack of physical matter falling onto our planet in the form of space dust and meteorites. Cosmic radiation and electric charge from our Sun makes up for the missing matter.

Furthermore, mass condensation would apply to all matter, including plants and animals. Since gravity is an electrical force, and therefore calculated by multiplying two bodies, as explained in my chapter on Coulomb's Law, we get that gravity increases exponentially with mass condensation.

Most speculations around changes in gravity assume that it is only our planet that is changing, and that this change is therefore a linear function of mass. With mass condensation happening in both the Earth and in everything on it, we get a very different picture. The exponential increase in gravity that has happened over the last 120 million years or so is no longer as mysterious as it appears at first glance.

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