Sunday, April 30, 2017
Beware of the Saturnists
Know Your Weaknesses
However, knowing what we are buying is not the most important thing when it comes to investing. The most important thing is to know our weaknesses. Personally, I'm prone to pride, sloth and greed, which is a terrible combination of negatives when it comes to investing. Pride makes me reluctant to sell at a loss, greed makes me eager to buy too early, and sloth means that I never study things too carefully. This makes me terrible at picking individual stocks.
My particular combination of weaknesses makes it important for me to stay with simple stuff that move in mega-trends. To win, I have to put my money into index funds, gold, and real estate, and do so according to a balanced plan. Anything else will end in disaster. The only form of betting I can let myself into is to weigh my investments according to simple metrics such as the Gold to Monetary Base ratio, the P/E ratio of S&P 500 and the Dow to Gold ratio.
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Patience yields wealth |
Saturday, April 29, 2017
How to Recognize the Devil
There is a tendency to dismiss the devil and the concept of sin these days. They are by many though to be superstitions of the past, invented to control and manipulate people. But I don't think this is true. While it is clear that many have used the ideas of the devil, sin and hell as a way to scare people into certain ways of behavior, these concept do have a useful function if used correctly.
The devil tempts us to make bad decisions, and as a consequence we get in trouble. He makes us sin and life becomes hell. This is no fiction but based on reality. Spend recklessly on frivolous pleasures, and things tend to end up badly. Give into greed, and we find ourselves soon in a similar mess. Sloth and melancholy will likewise get us in trouble.
The concepts of the devil, sin and hell are figurative ways to describe reality. The devil appeals to the worst in us. If we have a tendency towards greed, the devil may be the man on TV promoting get rich schemes. If we have a tendency towards sloth, the devil may be our friend who keeps telling us that things sort themselves out.
The devil speaks through people who may not even know that they are speaking for him. They may genuinely care for us. We cannot identify the devil by judging the character of the person who speaks. And there is certainly no way to spot the devil by looking for symbols or external features. The only way to recognize the devil is to know our own weaknesses and to know when we are tempted to do things that will ultimately get us into trouble.
Friday, April 28, 2017
The Paradox of Collectivism
Saturnism Past and Present
Typical thinking associated with Saturnism is that force trumps reason, that chaos is above order, that death is above life. It also preaches that good things come to those that impose their will on others through force, and that things that are unequal cannot be equal in value. Men are above women, rulers are above the ruled, the entitled are above the common people.
These lines of thinking are common even today, and it is not uncommon to come across Saturn symbols in both present day religions and in politics. Saturnism as an ideology is by no means dead. It prevails and even dominates certain religions. The most prominent ones being:
- Statism - the belief that the state has a right to rule by force
- Islam - the belief that force, chaos and death are superior to reason, order and life
- Satanism - the belief that good things come to those who impose their will on others *
- Hinduism - the belief in a cast system of segregation
- Judaism - the belief that one people is above all other people
- Catholicism - the belief in divine hierarchy, setting some people to rule others
* Satanism is such a strange new religin that it is hard to define. However, it appears to be popular among politicians and other people who long to dominate their fellow men, and is therefore included in this list, even if it is a minuscule religion in size.
Is Our Current Orbit Around the Sun Relatively New?
There are many ways to interpret this. However, what is rarely considered is that the story may refer to a change in our planet's orbit. If our planet quite abruptly went from a relatively close orbit to a wider orbit around the Sun, our planet and our Moon may have experienced a disturbance to their combined orbits, giving people the impression that the Sun and Moon were standing still.
One way that this could have happened would be if our Sun's gravity changed rather abruptly, something that is possible if gravity is a function of capacitance rather than mass. The distance between our planet and the Moon may have been upset by this disturbance, causing Earth's rotation to change temporarily before the Moon returned to its normal orbit.
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Solar system |
By Harman Smith and Laura Generosa (nee Berwin), graphic artists and contractors to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, with Pluto removed by User:Frokor - Based on Image:Solar_sys.jpg, with Pluto removed. Copied from, Public Domain, Link
Were Planetary Orbits Closer to the Sun in Ancient Times?
Apart from simply dismissing the evidence, we must conclude that the planets were easier to observe in ancient times. With no evidence to suggest that the astronomers had access to telescopes, the planets must have had closer orbits, or they must have been physically larger.
While it's possible to imagine that gas planets like Saturn may have been larger in ancient times, the idea that Mars, a rock planet, was larger has to be dismissed, and we end up with closer orbits as the most likely explanation for the ancient knowledge of Saturn's rings and Mars' scar.
Predictions of the Capacitor Model
Assuming that the dielectric of a star remains unchanged, we get that gravity should change with changes in its size. As a star grows larger, its gravitational field should grow stronger, and visa versa.
One way to verify or disprove the capacitor model of gravity would therefor be to observe planets orbiting pulsating stars. If planets around such stars change their orbits in harmony with the star, the theory would be verified. A growing star should pull its orbiting planets into closer and faster orbits, while a shrinking star should send its orbiting planets into wider and slower orbits.
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Cross section of a hollow star |
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Is Our Sun Hollow?
In cases where there is an equilibrium between the internal pressure and the chemical forces keeping the body together, there will be no expansion. In cases where there is an imbalance, there will be expansion.
When rocky planets expand, the process will tend to be slow rather than catastrophic. However, stars have been seen to expand rapidly. Some stars pulsate periodically, growing and shrinking in size. A solid star model would explain this in terms of an expanding corona or photosphere. But if they are both hollow an liquid, there's also the possibility of the star itself expanding.
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Cross section of a hollow planet |
Being Right 80% of the Time is no Guarantee for Success
Being right 80% of the time will not end well if the losses during the other 20% far outweigh the gains during the 80%.
In the end, the casino always wins. The only sensible investment strategy for the little guy is to make long term investments based on simple metrics such as P/E ratios and the Dow-Gold ratio.
If you absolutely have to pick individual stocks, stay away from debt laden industries, dying technology, and stuff that you do not understand.
No, You're Not Smarter Than Everybody Else
Well, unless you're a privileged banker, you don't have access to information that everybody else doesn't have, and even if you are very smart, there's no way to know where the market will go in the near future. Stocks can go up on terrible news, and they can go down on good news. In the short term, markets move in random ways. They are impossible to predict without inside information from central bankers and other market manipulators.
However, in the long term, stocks do move in ways that can be predicted ahead of time. Debt laden companies in dying industries do go bankrupt, and high tech companies with no income and no product except for a few vague ideas don't retain their stellar valuations for ever.
Over time, P/E ratios return to their norm, and so does the Dow/Gold ratio. Over the long term markets can be predicted. Short term, they are rigged casinos where the average guy gets fleeced by well informed bankers.
Is Earth Full of Water?
But how is it that our oceans are so perfectly filled with water? If the water came from space, it would be a truly astonishing coincidence that the quantity so exactly matches the volume required to fill the oceans neither too much nor too little.
A more reasonable explanation would be that the water originates from inside our planet, that the water, together with salt and other minerals, were squeezed out as the seafloor was stretched out between the continents.
Can Earth be likened to a sponge saturated with water, where the stretched areas has forced water to the surface, creating oceans, while the continents, where no stretching have occurred, have remained dry?
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Earth expansion seen from the south pole |
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
If Following Orders is no Defense
Since we are all supposedly equal before the law, no person has any right that another person does not posses. If the taxman can take money from his neighbor, then we should have the same right. But we don't, and neither does the taxman. He is no less a thief than we had been had we sent your neighbor a form to fill in, with a threat to lock him up if he did not pay.
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Dandy thug |
The Silly Buoyant Atmosphere Theory
The problem with this theory is that our atmosphere has at present a density of a little over 1 gram per liter, and no gas exists that would significantly alter this. To get from 1 gram per liter to the 500 gram per liter required for David Esker's theory to work, atmospheric pressure would have had to be 500 times what we have today. This follows directly from Boyle's Law.
Even if our atmosphere had reached all the way to the moon, we would not have had 500 times higher pressure in our atmosphere. The idea of a buoyant atmosphere is simply bunk. It violates Boyle's Law.
The only possible way that the giant animals of the past could have existed is that gravity was significantly less than it is today.
Note: after writing this, I came across Halton Arp's mass condensation theory in which buoyancy would in fact decrease over time. David Esker is in other words not completely off with his theory. The first major mass extinction on our planet appears to have been related to a change in buoyancy.
However, a more buoyant atmosphere is not in itself enough to explain how dinosaurs as large as giraffes could fly. Both gravity and buoyancy were greater in the past due to atoms having smaller nuclei. This can all be explained with Halton Arp's theory.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Are We Entering a Mini-Ice-Age?
From history we know that whenever the cycles themselves become weak, we have entered a period of cold weather. These so called mini-ice-ages have lasted anything from a few decades to more than a hundred years.
What is rarely mentioned by climate experts these days is that the solar cycles are currently becoming weaker, and that it very much looks like we are entering a prolonged period of little solar activity.
Could it be that we are about to enter a new mini-ice-age?
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Solar cycle prediction |
By David Hathaway, NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center -, Public Domain, Link
Gravity Anomalies
This means that the geologically active areas will have a higher capacitance than the inactive areas. If capacitance is the cause of gravity, then we should expect the geologically active areas to have stronger gravity than the inactive areas.
As it happens, geologically active areas do in fact have stronger gravity than the inactive areas. This is evident from comparing gravity anomaly maps with maps of earthquakes.
Democracy and the Illusion of Freedom
Choosing a new master |
Fractional Reserve Banking is the Evil, not Interest
Why shouldn't we pay rent for borrowing money just as much as we pay rent for borrowing a car, a house or a boat? In all these cases, someone has to forego direct access to what was lent out, and should be compensated for this.
It makes no sense to expect people to give up temporary ownership of money without any compensation. However, if the money lent out is merely fabricated out of thin air, as is the case under our current banking system, then it can be argued that something evil is going on. In such a case, someone is making money from the mere privilege of typing numbers into an account.
What is immoral in our current banking system is not interest, but the banks' ability to create credit from nothing. It is fractional reserve banking that is the evil we need to get away from. Getting money for lending out something that has taken time and effort to accumulate is only fair and proper. Getting money for lending out something that took no effort or time to create is evil.
Earth as a Spherical Capacitor
A capacitor is able to store more charge as it becomes thinner, and the crust of a hollow globe would necessarily become thinner as it expands.
Adding to this that we have evidence from fossil records that gravity must have been stronger in the past, we see that gravity and capacitance appear to be linked. What causes gravity may not be mass, but charge. With increasing charge stored in the capacitance of our planet, gravity has increased over time.
A capacitor model of gravity would solve the mystery of the apparent increase in gravity, and how our planet can be both hollow and expanding.
The Great Appeal of the State
But this is not as mysterious as it may first seem once we realize what the state offers in return for our slave contracts, namely the freedom to push responsibility over to our overlords. This freedom is also a fiction of course, but is generally believed to be at least as real as the Social Contract.
In the name of the state we are allowed to kill people without any responsibility, as long a it is done according to our overlords' rules. We like to believe that wearing a uniform and swearing allegiance to a piece of cloth frees us from personal responsibility when we drop bombs on innocent people from great heights, or perform mass murder of other forms.
However, the greatest appeal of the state is not war, but its function as caretaker. It takes care of us in much the same way that a parent takes care of a child, all be it in a much less loving and careful manner.
Imagine having to take care of our own pensions, life insurances, health care, and so on. Imagine having to administrate large sums of money. Imagine making a mistake and having to explain this to ones spouse, relatives and friends.
I recently sold my house in order to pay my taxes. A large sum was left to me to invest as I pleased after the state had taken its share. Finding sensible investments was a pain and a headache as I had no idea what to choose, and this will remain a concern for ever. I will always be anxious about my investments. It is easy to see that many would rather see the state take care of it all. Even if the state mismanages the money, it will feel less painful than to take full responsibility for ones own potential mistakes.
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Fort |
Monday, April 24, 2017
Like Pushing Oil Down Into Water
But there is absolutely no direct evidence of subduction. It is a theory based solely on the need to defend the fixed Earth model. Without subduction, the abundant evidence of expansion of our oceans would lead us to the inevitable conclusion that our planet as a whole is expanding. Having decided that this cannot be the case, geologists have collectively embraced a theory that makes no sense at all.
Light rocks do not spontaneously sink into denser rock. That would be like pushing oil down into water. It cannot be done.
Flying Giraffes
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Comparison of Quetzalcoatlus and Cessna 172 |
Without Price Discovery there is No Market
Ever since the "Working Group on Financial Markets", also known as the "Plunge Protection Team", was set up in 1988, the P/E ratio for S&P 500 never crept under 15.
It appears that the team that was set up to prevent stocks markets from falling, to the supposed benefit of us all, has morphed into a tool for the elite to dictate the prices of stocks and other financial assets. As a consequence, all financial assets are miss-priced, to the benefit of the rich and detriment of the poor. Saving for ones pension has been made much more expensive than it would have been in a free market, allowed to correct from time to time.
With a limitless supply of money, the Plunge Protection Team can buy any asset it chooses at any price it finds appropriate. It can elevate asset classes that it favors by buying long future contracts, and it can suppress the price of other asset classes by buying short contracts. It sets the price range of everything to whatever the elite finds correct.
With people having prior knowledge to where prices will go, those with access to this information benefit at the expense of those who don't. But the Plunge Protection Team is playing with fire. They have neutered the market. There is no price discovery. The market is now little more than a rigged casino. Everything has an arbitrary price with very little bearing to reality.
How long this can go on is anybody's guess. But at some point, even limitless access to cash will be powerless to stop price discovery from returning. That day will come when the Plunge Protection Team finds itself hopelessly short on gold and equally long on junk.
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Hot air balloon |
By Kropsoq - photo taken by Kropsoq, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link
Staying Fresh for 99 Million Years
Dinosaur Tails
- They could use their powerful tail to fend off predators.
- They could use their tail to quickly change direction when moving.
For modern land animals, the disadvantage of a bulky tail is clearly greater than the advantage, and hence we see animals that would have otherwise benefited from a bulky tail walk around with very small tails. Giraffes, unlike the long necked dinosaurs, have very short tails. They cannot rest on their tails as they reach for the upper branches of trees. The elephant has a very short tail too. It cannot use its tail to defend itself from a flock of lions.
Two legged animals such as the ostrich would have had a huge advantage in a bulky tail when running away from predators, as it would enable them to change direction very quickly, yet they have hardly any tail at all. Kangaroos are the only large two legged animals that still retain a bulky tail.
It seems that bulky tails have gone the way of the dinosaurs, and an explanation for this could be that this is because gravity has increased over time.
It should also be noted that there is no sign of dinosaurs having had any problem keeping their bulky tails off the ground. Fossilized dinosaur footprints do not show any sign of a heavy tail being dragged along. There is no line carved out for their tail between the footprints of dinosaurs.
Whatever Happened to Steve Bannon?
He was supposed to be the second most powerful man in the world and a real threat to world piece. However, he was soon expelled without much fuss and shortly thereafter they started bombing Syria and Afghanistan.
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Steve Bannon |
By Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link
Climate Denial
Sunday, April 23, 2017
Evidence in Support of a Hollow Earth
However, a hollow Earth doesn't rhyme well with our understanding of gravity. A hollow Earth would not have enough mass to produce the gravity that we observe. But if gravity is caused partially or fully by capacitance, we would get an increase in gravity due to capacitance as a natural consequence of Earth's expansion. This would in turn give an explanation to why gravity was less strong in the days of the dinosaurs.
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Expanding Earth seen from the South Pole |
Historic P/E of Stocks
Keeping in mind that central banks have been increasingly involved in price manipulation and purchase of stocks since 1980, we can assume that what we are seeing is a central bank induced bubble that will eventually pop, in which case we will again see P/E rates well below 15. However, it is impossible to say how much longer the bubble can be sustained. It may still be decades before we see a return to free and fair pricing of the stock marked.
No One Knows What Causes Gravity
Gravity may just as well be caused by the capacitance inherent in most types of matter, in which case we would still get Newtonian equations for orbits and change in gravity with altitude, but end up with the possibility that Earth and other large bodies are hollow at their core.
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Sir Isaac Newton |
By Godfrey Kneller - one or more third parties have made copyright claims against Wikimedia Commons in relation to the work from which this is sourced or a purely mechanical reproduction thereof. This may be due to recognition of the "sweat of the brow" doctrine, allowing works to be eligible for protection through skill and labour, and not purely by originality as is the case in the United States (where this website is hosted). These claims may or may not be valid in all jurisdictions. As such, use of this image in the jurisdiction of the claimant or other countries may be regarded as copyright infringement. Please see Commons:When to use the PD-Art tag for more information., Public Domain, Link
Owning Gold Gives Piece of Mind
Unlike all other types of property, including money, gold cannot be easily confiscated through taxation or made worthless through inflation.
Holding gold in your hand gives piece of mind.
What is the True Function Of Central Banks?
The interference of Central Banks has a tendency to benefit those that are closely tied to it. Low interest rates are given to those in its immediate circle of influence. Asset purchases are likewise done from the well connected, to the detriment of everybody else.
There is no doubt that Central Banks benefit the elite at the expense of the less well connected. The only question is whether this is by accident or by design. However, regardless of evil intent or not, abolishing Central Banks would benefit everybody but a very tiny elite.
Was Gravity Less Strong in the Past?
Dinosaurs would be like stranded whales on a beach, crushed by their own weight, unless gravity was significantly weaker back in their days.
Is the Social Contract a Myth Created to Defend Taxation?
This line of thinking was the norm in the olden days. Hereditary contract were considered legally binding.
Today we know better, we think, yet we are still taught in school that the so called Social Contract gives the state the right to confiscate an arbitrary share of our income and property for no other reason than that we have been born into a world ruled by a political elite.
Could it be that the Social Contract, although just as much a legal myth as slave contracts and hereditary serfdom, has been kept alive purely to defend the legality of taxation?
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Fort |
Gold vs. Dow
Consistently invested in gold whenever gold is cheap relative to shares, and conversely invested in shares whenever shares are cheap relative to gold makes a lot more money than being always fully invested in either gold or shares.
The times to buy either gold or shares are easy to spot and require no special skill. Gold should be bought when the ratio is above 10 and shares should be bought when the ratio is below 10. The time to swap from shares to gold is when the ratio is above 15. The time to swap from gold to shares is when the ratio is below 5.
With the currently ratio being above 15, gold is the better long term investment at the moment.
Is Our Planet Expanding?
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Expanding Earth seen from the South Pole |